My name is Brittney Inman. I have been a reputable marketing director in the legal industry for over a decade.
My passion is growing law firms.

Branding Manager
My name is Brittney Inman. I have been a reputable marketing director in the legal industry for over a decade.
My passion is growing law firms.
Your website is your virtual business card that can be seen by 100’s-1000’s of people. This is the most important tool in any business and must be built strategically.
A potential client should be able to make out exactly how you can help them at first glance of your website. A website should be easy to read and navigate to ensure they can find all of their questions without putting in much effort.
If your website is informative and allows for the visitor to keep clicking throughout your site, the more Google sees your website as relevant. 1- This keeps the user engaged and 2- this helps build your SEO
If your website does not comtain up-to-date information that is relevant to what the "searcher" is looking for, it is unlikely your page will stand out.
However, if your website holds the answers and offers a massive amount of information, they will keep coming back, click more through your website, and refer to your website for future answers- all of these help foster the virtual relationship with the "searcher" and increases the probability of that person to reach out to you for help.
In today's technology-driven world, a person may choose one method of communication over another- some prefer to call while some prefer to text, email, chat, or submit a contact form.
In order to serve everyone, there must be a way for them to reach you by their preferred method of communication.
If you want to be found, your website must be optimized for SEO. There are several elements that impact your SEO score. Your SEO score basically tells the search engine if it should even show your page to a "searcher" or not.
Web page speed optimization should be a top priority for any website owner. The speed of your site dramatically impacts your site's SEO (search engine optimization) and bounce rate.
More than 60% of searchers use a mobile device for services.
Anyone can post on social media, but if you are a law firm utilizing social media as a marketing tool, there needs to a strategy behind what you’re posting.
This is an effective strategy I use:
The more people see your name/your logo, the higher probability they are going to think of you when they need you.
Social Media is an excellent vehicle to drive more traffic to your website. There are several ways to do this but blogs that are posted on social media are the most effective.
You are experts in your field and this is a message to be conveyed to your audience through, expert advice, testimonials, accolades, etc.
Your PNC feels most empowered when they are educated. By educating your audience you are empowering them to make better decisions (ultimately, the excellent decision to reach out to you!) This can include a tip of the week, an update, or a FAQ.
People like people they can relate to....while it is imperative to show the image of an attorney hard at work fighting for their clients, it is also important to show you are a human, just like them....maybe a wife, a mother, a sister, a pet-lover, sports fanatic (Go PACK Go!)
When you engage with your audience, you increase the interaction on your sm page, which changes the algorithms and allows your posts to reach a larger audience.
Social Media is a great way to build that virtual rapport and build trust.
Once you have educated your audience, shown authority, and built that trust- it makes it a lot easier to ask for that referral.
I saved this one for last because if all of the above is implemented effectively and strategically.... this becomes the end result.
Posts should be posted at optimal times of the day per platform user algorithms to increase visibility.
It’s amazing what just ONE piece of content can do to drive people back to your website.
Blogs should be rich with information, internal site links, backlinks, and call-to-actions.
By posting relevant content on your website, you can post a snippet of that piece to drive people back to your website (which not only helps with brand awareness, but also SEO)
Any blog that is created should be available to your audience via social media- - which in turns drives that person back to your website.
One blog piece can be converted into several videos. You can use these videos on your YouTube channel, Social Media Platforms, Emails, and video resources are a great addition to your website.
Not everyone has time to read....so, why not convert into audio for a podcast?
E-books are excellent for helping your audience learn, as well as lead-generation, and branding.
Taking that same blog piece and posting into an email can strike an interest in those who are not always on social media. Not only can you send a series of blog article snippets in an email, but you can send them with clickable links to drive that person to your website to read the rest of the content.
From apparel, and supplies, to individual digital branding.
How many law firms send appreciation swag to their PNC's or clients? This is a great way to stand out from other law firms.
People should walk away from an event with something to remember you by. In addition, I've found many will actually post some of their swag on social media which in turn is free advertising 🙂
E-Signatures, Client Portals, etc
There is no ceiling when it comes to branding.
More people are likely to take the word of a friend, family member, or by looking at the company’s reviews.
If your law firm does not reflect many reviews the “searcher” his more likely to go to a company where their reputation can be verified.
I create campaigns to collect several genuine and positive reviews for the law firm.
I use a strategy of reviewing and rating the client's happiness with the firm prior to collecting the review.
If there is an unhappy client, there needs to be means of correcting the issue which tends to result in another positive review.
Video testimonials are powerful and can be used on the website and all social media platforms.
Each positive review can be recycled into sharable content on all streams including, social media, YouTube, email, website, and more.
I believe in working smarter, not harder (Don’t get me wrong…I’m a workaholic!)
Having a CRM system ensures a way to individually stay in contact with each PNC, Client, Closed Client, Referral Source, etc without having to spend hours of manually reaching out.
Automating campaigns helps to reach several clients and/or prospective clients before, during, and after their client journey.
Let's face it, the #1 complain a client generally has with a law firm is lack of communication.
This ensures the client they have not been lost or put on the back burner.
Rule of thumb: Clients retain services when they're ready to retain services, not just when you're ready to provide. However, it is important to stay top of mind to ensure that when they need your services, you're already there!
When the client receives communication from their law firm, they feel important. And shouldn't all of our clients be given that VIP service?
This is another form of branding. By maintaining a relationship with all referral sources, it helps to keep our name top of mind with maintaining a positive reputation.
A CRM serves as a great catalyst for promoting upcoming events and sharing event history.
People ask for and accept referrals from professionals they trust.
Previously, I would schedule lunches with attorneys in other fields who would be great referral partners. My job was to establish and nurture relationships with these attorneys.
I carry myself professionally and always convey a message of "How can we help?".
By nurturing these relationships, we saw an increase in partner referrals.
I would often collaborate with them on how they can guest blog on our website and vice versa. This helps with reputable back links and reaching a larger audience.
Direct mail marketing needs to be done with a specific strategy in mind. This helps to save money, time, and energy when reaching an audience through DMM.
Reaching out to those who need your services but are on the fence.
Staying connected with current clients.
Reminding closed clients we are still there for them.
Promoting upcoming events and encouraging a higher attendance rate.
When building SEO for your website, getting published on credible legal websites is the way to go.
Not only does this increase brand awareness, but this also allows for backlinks from reputable sites (and Google likes that!)
I took the liberty of asking others for their opinions:
I keep my social media content clean. I don’t stir up controversy or post inappropriate content. I believe in maintaining a good reputation for myself, my family, and the company I work for.
I’ve attached my DISC personality test results, as well. This test was taken on 11.13.2022
Britt really knows how to build a quality law firm marketing publication to keep clients and referral attorneys engaged. If you need a firm magazine, blog, or newsletter, I have first-hand experience and can highly recommend her work.
Paul Cannon | Board Certified PI Attorney
Simmons & Fletcher
"Brittney Inman is a marketing professional of the highest caliber. She and I worked closely together for 14 months and I watched her marketing genius generate an unbelievable amount of business for the firm we were assisting. She is incredibly creative, hardworking, and honest. Your company will be in good hands if you leave business development to her.
William Moriarty | Law Student & My Prior Assistant at The Law office of Bryan Fagan
I was very impressed by the personalized service and value that I received from this firm. If you are looking for someone to help you grow your business by improving your marketing strategy and would like to do business with someone that goes the extra mile, then you should give this a try. Definitely recommend
Chad Zubi | Family & Criminal Law Attorney
The Law Office of Chad Zubi
I like to build things and I am not afraid to think outside the box. In order to stand out as a law firm, you must market in a way other law firms are not.
Brittney Inman | All rights reserved
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